Monday, January 14, 2008

New Things Ahead

Normally, isn't it the little bird that flies away from the nest and the mommy and daddy bird that stay? But, when is life normal for Robyn? My parents flew the coup last Thursday - all the way to South America. I'm here keeping the nest warm and somewhat clean, but they forgot to tell me how to catch worms. Either that, or I'm just not early enough.
Okay, enough with the corny analogies. :)

December 31st was a special day for my dad. After 50+ solid years of work, he retired, and boy was he happy to get a well deserved break from the corporate rat race. The one drawback is that retirement pay isn't very much nowadays, and definitely won't support a family of 4; nor can it afford the big house that we have now. Since my mom has loads of family in South America, and a little property of her own, they decided to go down to Chile for a few months and see if it might be possible to live down there. Either way they will be moving - either to Chile or to a smaller place here in the US. Which means that I have to start looking for my own place to live. Yeah, you got that right - my parents are kicking me out of the house. :)
So, for the next three months they will be looking at land, housing, cars, etc.

Meanwhile, while my parents are gallivanting around the world, I'm here at home trying to manage our big house, the pets, the bills, (and trying to manage my little brother). While also working a gazillion hours at Compassion, babysitting, house sitting, and trying to look for my own place. Needless to say, I'm slightly busy.

Other than my being an orphan for the next 3 months, things really haven't changed, per se, but the road ahead is revealing more change than I've had in my life, to date.

Even if my parents do move to Chile, they will still be "visiting" me for months at a time and will need a place to live on and off. So, in a matter of a few short months, I will go from being a dependent, eating my mom's cooking, living in my dad's house, and having limited expenses - to providing food for my family, a roof over their head, and tripling my current expenditures. But you know, even though it's a little more responsibility and a lot of new territory, I have complete peace that the Lord will provide for every need and guide me through each decision. What a joy it is that I can simply call upon my Father and know without a shadow of a doubt that He will remain faithful and true. It is reassuring to be able to put my complete confidence in the Lord, no matter what lies ahead. And, I am exceedingly grateful that I have such wonderful parents, and that He has given me this opportunity to give back to them just as they gave and sacrificed so much for me. How incredibly blessed I am to have such wonderful parents, and even more thankful that He has helped us to have deep and abiding relationships with one another.

The trials and challenges that come our way are but periods of fire that will melt the dross from the gold of our faith. And I know that it was “for this very purpose, that [He] might display [His] power in [me] and that [His] name might be proclaimed in all the earth." (Rom9.17) So, I pray that through this time of change in my life that He might be glorified in everything, and that His name would be proclaimed and uplifted.
Soli Deo Gloria

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